Phonics & Drama with Lilly and Larry™

We love stories at DramEd, and of course we are mad about drama. We collaborate with parents, schools and nurseries to build on literacy skills by strengthening verbal & nonverbal communication through a programme we have developed called Phonics & Drama with Lilly and Larry™ .

In every session, children are led through exercises that build on their phonological awareness and through socio-dramatic play, we bring a story to life! These programmes require your kit to include our recommended books, basic props, and access to our playlist.

Basic Kit List

Playlist, Recommended Books, Branded Monkey Puppets, Bubble Machine (Optional), Puppet selection (Optional), DramEd T-shirt, Portable Speaker.
Recommended age Lilly and Larry Classes ™: 1-5 years.
Become a teacher of sensory classes infused with music and drama, supported by two mascot money puppets, who introduce a weekly phonic sound.
Additional Programmes: You can also opt to buy 2 or 3 programmes together.

Program Features


Please download and review our prospectus & create brand fit  Questionaire.